Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0
Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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The privately run Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral
Commission (TC), through their memberships, have been able to wield
extraordinary influence over U.S. government decision-making for decades.
As this (incomplete) list shows, the Clinton Administration is no
exception. If the CFR and TC memberships numbered in the millions,
perhaps the dominance of these members would not be so notable.
But the CFR's total membership is only about 3,000 and the TC list
approximately 100 members from North America.
('*' = Nominations pending as of January 20, 1994)
White House Staff
William J. Clinton President of the United States CFR/TC
George Stephanopoulos Senior Policy Advisor CFR
David R. Gergen Assistant to the President CFR/TC
for Communications
W. Anthony Lake Assistant to the President CFR
for National Security Affairs
Samuel R. Berger Deputy Assistant to the President CFR
for National Security Affairs
W. Bowman Cutter Deputy Assistant to the President
for Economic Policy CFR
Adm. William Crowe Jr. Chairman, Foreign Intelligence CFR
Advisory Board
Laura D'Andrea Tyson Chairman, Council of Econ. Advisors CFR
John H. Gibbons Director, Office of Science &
Technology Policy CFR
Office of Management and Budget
Alice M. Rivlin Deputy Director CFR/TC
Gordon M. Adams Associate Director for National
Security & International Affairs CFR
Nancy-Ann Min Associate Director for Health CFR
Christopher Edley, Jr. Associate Director for Economics CFR
and Government
Department of Commerce
Ronald H. Brown Secretary of Commerce CFR
Charles F. Meissner * Assistant Secretary for CFR
International Economic Policy
Jeffrey E. Garten Undersecretary of Commerce CFR
for International Trade
Barry E. Carter Deputy Undersecretary for CFR
Export Administration
Department of Defense
Les Aspin Secretary of Defense CFR
[Aspin replaced by Willam Perry]
Larry K. Smith Counselor to the Secretary & CFR
Deputy Secretary of Defense
John M. Deutch Undersecretary of Defense CFR/TC
for Acquisition and Technology
Frank G. Wisner II Undersecretary of Defense for CFR
Walter B. Slocombe Deputy Undersecretary of Defense CFR
for Policy
Graham T. Allison, Jr. Assistant Secretary of Defense CFR/TC
for Plans and Policy
Ashton B. Carter Assistant Secretary for Program CFR
Analysis and Evaluation
Edward L. Warner III Assistant Secretary for Production CFR
and Logistics
John B. Goodman Special Adviser for Defense CFR
Conversion and Technology
Mitchel B. Wallerstein Deputy Assistant Secretary for CFR
Counter-proliferation Policy
H. Allen Holmes Assistant Secretary for Special CFR
Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Patricia L. Irvin Deputy Assistant Secretary for CFR
Human Assistance & Refugee
Edward L. Warner III Assistant Secretary of Defense CFR
for Strategy and Resources
Stanley Owen Roth Deputy Assistant Secretary for CFR
East Asian & Pacific Affairs
Gloria Charmian Duffy Deputy Assistant Secretary & CFR
Secretary of Defense Special
Coordinator for Threat Reduction
Sarah Sewell Deputy Assistant for Peacekeeping/ CFR
Peacemaking Policy
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan Chief of Staff, Army CFR
Gen. Merrill A. MacPeak Chief of Staff, Air Force CFR
Gen. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. Commandant, Marine Corps CFR
Department of the Air Force
Edwin A. Deagle, Jr. * Undersecretary of the Air Force CFR
Department of the Navy
Vice Adm. L.W. Smith, Jr. Deputy Chief, Plans, Policy & CFR
Vice Adm. W.A. Owens Deputy Chief, Resources, Warfare CFR
Requirements, and Assessments
Department of State
Warren M. Christopher Secretary of State CFR/TC
Strobe Talbott Deputy Secretary of State CFR/TC
Peter Tarnoff Undersecretary for Political CFR/TC
Joan Edelman Spero Undersecretary for Economic & CFR/TC
Agricultural Affairs
Lynn E. Davis Undersecretary for International CFR/TC
Security Affairs
J. Brian Atwood Undersecretary for Management CFR
Jessica Tuchman Matthews Deputy Undersecretary for Global CFR
Princeton N. Lyman Director, Refugee Programs CFR
Dennis B. Ross Director, Policy Planing Staff CFR
Conrad K. Harper Legal Advisor CFR
George E. Moose Assistant Secretary for African CFR
Bennett Freeman Deputy Assistant Secretary for CFR
Public Affairs
Winston Lord Assistant Secretary for East CFR/TC
Asian & Pacific Affairs
Alexander F. Watson Assistant Secretary for Inter- CFR
American Affairs
John H. Kelly Assistant Secretary for Near CFR
Eastern & Southern Asian Affairs
Douglas J. Bennett, Jr. Assistant Secretary for CFR
International Organization Affairs
Robert L. Gallucci Assistant Secretary, Bureau of CFR
Politico-Military Affairs
Stephen A. Oxman Assistant Secretary of State for CFR
European & Canadian Affairs
United States Mission to the United Nations
Madeleine Albright Ambassador to the United Nations CFR
Irvin Hicks Deputy Ambassador to the United CFR
Geraldine A. Ferraro * United Nations Human Rights CFR
Karl F. Inderfurth Alternative Representative to CFR
the United Nations
U.S. Ambassadors
David L. Aaron OECD Representative CFR
Reginald Bartholomew Former Yugoslavia CFR
Walter C. Carrington Nigeria CFR
Thomas A. Dine * Assistant Administrator for CFR
Europe & Newly Independent States
Edward P. Djerejian Israel CFR
Stuart E. Eizenstat European Community CFR
Richard N. Gardner Spain CFR/TC
Pamela C. Harriman France CFR
Richard C. Holbrooke Germany CFR/TC
James R. Jones Mexico CFR/TC
James T. Laney Korea CFR
William Green Miller Ukraine CFR
Walter F. Mondale Japan CFR/TC
John D. Negroponte Philippines CFR
Edward J. Perkins Australia CFR
Thomas R. Pickering Russia CFR
Nicolas A. Rey Poland CFR
Sandra L. Vogelgesang * Nepal CFR
E. Allan Wendt Slovenia CFR
Department of the Treasury
Lloyd Bentsen Secretary of the Treasury (former CFR)
Roger C. Altman Deputy Secretary of the Treasury CFR
Lawrence H. Summers Undersecretary for International CFR
Susan B. Levine Deputy Assistant Secretary for CFR
International Development &
Debt Policy
John R. Howard Director, Office of Personnel Policy CFR
Central Intelligence Agency
R. James Woosley Director of Central Intelligence CFR
Adm. William O. Studeman Deputy Director of Central CFR
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Chairman, Natioanal Intelligence CFR/TC
Other Cabinet-Level Appointments
Bruce Babbit Secretary of the Interior CFR/TC
Henry G. Cicernos Secretary of Housing & Urban CFR/TC
Donna E. Shalala Secretary of Health & Human Services CFR/TC
Other Clinton Administration Appointments
Carol Bellamy * Director, U.S. Peace Corps CFR
Joseph D. Duffey Director, U.S. Information Agency CFR
Ellen L. Frost Counselor to U.S. Trade CFR
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court CFR
Carol J. Lancaster * Deputy Administrator, U.S. Agency CFR
for International Development
Karin M. Lissakers U.S. Executive Director, CFR
International Monetary Fund
Ricki Rhodarmer Tigert * Chair, Federal Deposit CFR
Insurance Corporation
Thomas S. Williamson, Jr. Solicitor of Labor CFR
(This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the
Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer.
All files are ZIP archives for fast download.
E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)